Living with Vitiligo – Advanced treatments now available

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Living with Vitiligo – Advanced treatments now available


Hyperpigmentation disorders, while not presenting any serious, worrying risks in the majority of cases, they can affect one’s life through aesthetical concerns. One frequently met condition of this kind, especially over the last few years is Vitiligo. This disorder, which is characterized by the appearance of white patches on the skin in various body areas, where the cells making the pigment have been destroyed, has often been perceived as an incurable disorder. Well, with the advancement of medical treatments, actual solutions have been brought to the table. While medicines, ointments, treatments that use ultraviolet lights are options the majority of sufferers usually try, in most situations they prove to be ineffective. Surgery seems to be the option that has gained most popularity recently.

Melanocyte Transplantation

Melanocyte Transplantation is potentially the only way of actually obtaining a hyperpigmentation-free skin in an effective manner. A surgical procedure of this kind has shown amazing results among a large number of people due to the technology and techniques used. What such a surgery involves is the transfer of melanocytes, which are pigment producing cells, from normal skin, coming from a donor, to the Vitiligo skin. There are basically two surgical categories that fall within the Vitiligo grafting range, and these are tissue grafting and cellular grafting. Depending on the specifics of your condition, as well as several other factors, Vitiligo experts can conclude which surgery type would suit your situation best.

Surgical goals

What can you expect from such a surgery? Well, the goal of any Vitiligo surgical intervention is of course completely repigmentatingthe Vitiligo-affected areas, in order to match the normal, surrounding skin. However, you should know that not all patients that have this hyperpigmentation disorder are actually able to pursue this solution. In order for surgery to be a possible option in your case, factors such as your age, disorder stability, size of vitiligo patches, as well as location, and of course, the donor size need to be taken into account. All of these details should be discussed with an expert first.

Swiss experts providing technology for treatments

Vitiligo treatments have been sought though in various regions of the world, experts working constantly on presenting patients with treatments that actually work. It seems like the Swiss, however, are the ones to actually provide the technological development necessary to pursue the remediation of this condition by thebook. Swiss experts have taken Melanocyte Transplantation to another level, ensuring a 95 percent efficiency on surgeries thanks to the advanced methods used during the procedure. If you have been seeking a reliable option in this department, and you want to be certain your Vitiligo grafting actually brings the expected results, you can rely on the right Swiss vitiligo center to make the treatment of your hyperpigmentation condition possible.

While in the past, vitiligo seemed to be a condition that suffers needed to cope with,no 100 percent effective solutions being available, things have changed over the last few years, and you are now able to access advanced means of treatment.